Saturday 7 September 2013

First market!!

Yesterday I did my first market - the MadeNThornbury Women's Market. Dee, the organiser, was unsure how the day would go with it being Election Day (blah!) but I decided to do it anyway. As part of doing the Make Craft Your Business course we get to do a market for free.

The day could've gone either way & considering the weather was beautiful & sunny up until 2, we hoped it would go our way. But unfortunately that wasn't the case. It was very quiet, even the regular stall holders commented on how quiet it was. I only sold a handful of cards & badges. So it was a bit disappointing. But that is the nature of markets, you can't predict how good or bad the day is going to go.

If there are any vacancies left at the Christmas market I am considering doing that one. Will wait & see.

Anyway, so while my first market wasn't successful - I got to meet some lovely ladies. Which is another main reason why I did the course & want to do some markets, to build up a network of like-minded friends. I have to say, if all the crafty ladies out there are like the ones I meet doing my course & yesterday - then I hope my network grows far & wide.