Tuesday 1 October 2013

Where does the time go??

I haven't posted a blog for awhile, time just seems to get away from you! Can't get my head around the fact that Christmas is now under 3 months away. Aaaaarrrrgghhh!

I won't be doing the Made'n'Thornbury Christmas market, they are booked up. Even if they weren't I wouldn't be able to go. Have just started doing my Cert III in Business Admin & that is on Saturday's until the middle of December. I won't even be able to go to the market :(

I haven't really done anything with my business, have had so much going on. Now for the next 11 weeks I only have 1 day a week to work on things & I have to fit in catching up with my family on that day too. When the weather starts to get warmer it'll be better. It's being so horrible lately, all I want to do when I get home at night is curl up on the couch with the heater on! When the nights are warm I get home & open all the doors & put music on - then I will be able to get some stuff done at nights. Anyone else have this problem?!

Anyway, I got my frames delivered from Poland - so I need to at least get them made up & put in my shop on Made It. They would make great christmas pressies.

Heading to what we are calling Craftin' Circle tonight. It's a social catch up even that the gorgeous Dee from Thornbury Women's Neighbourhood House has organised. Where us crafty ladies meet up once a fortnight for a drink (& dinner if you want) & a chat, maybe do some hand sewing or crochet. I am looking forward to it :)

Saturday 7 September 2013

First market!!

Yesterday I did my first market - the MadeNThornbury Women's Market. Dee, the organiser, was unsure how the day would go with it being Election Day (blah!) but I decided to do it anyway. As part of doing the Make Craft Your Business course we get to do a market for free.

The day could've gone either way & considering the weather was beautiful & sunny up until 2, we hoped it would go our way. But unfortunately that wasn't the case. It was very quiet, even the regular stall holders commented on how quiet it was. I only sold a handful of cards & badges. So it was a bit disappointing. But that is the nature of markets, you can't predict how good or bad the day is going to go.

If there are any vacancies left at the Christmas market I am considering doing that one. Will wait & see.

Anyway, so while my first market wasn't successful - I got to meet some lovely ladies. Which is another main reason why I did the course & want to do some markets, to build up a network of like-minded friends. I have to say, if all the crafty ladies out there are like the ones I meet doing my course & yesterday - then I hope my network grows far & wide.

Saturday 24 August 2013

My first blog. Here goes....

So I finally got my act together & started a blog!! I have been wanting to do so for awhile. So here I am :)

I am doing a fantastic 6 week course called 'Make Craft Your Business' run by the fantabulous Dee Wild from Thornbury Women's Neighbourhood House. I have been a hobby crafty person for many years & am now getting my self organised to actually do what I love as a business. Am going to be doing craft markets & will be setting up an online shop.

My specialty is paper crafts, in particular cards. But I also do canvases & am branching out into fabric covered photo frames. I have tried my hand at a lot of things over the years. Crochet, Folk art painting, Sewing, Beaded jewellery. Am going to hire a badge maker next week & have a play with the idea of making some cute, funky badges. I am doing the MadeNThornbury Women's Market on Sat 7th Sept. My first one - getting excited! No online shop as yet, but hopefully that will be on the go within the next few weeks.

Woo hoo. My first blog done. You can't see me, but I am doing my happy dance right now!!

Check these out: http://madenthornbury.blogspot.com